The Impact of Lenut Youth Group

By Antoninah Nasieku

Lenut Youth Group is a waste management organization formed out of the founders' passion for waste management and their recognition of the potential and benefits of living in a healthy and clean environment. In addition to waste management, Lenut Youth Group participates in various other activities, including savings and socioeconomic initiatives. The group has developed methods to make waste management both beneficial and income-generating, serving as an investment and a means of livelihood.

The group collects waste from households in their localities and transports it to their waste segregation site. They have a dedicated team for waste collection and another for waste segregation. The waste is sorted into various categories: organic waste, which includes kitchen refuse; plastic waste and bottles; glass waste; and biodegradable carton waste.

Plastic and glass waste are reused, recycled, and later sold to customers. Organic waste is used to produce organic manure, which the group uses for farming activities and sells to local farmers to enhance their agricultural yields.

Lenut Youth Group operates under Nagawam Group, which collaborates with the SDI Muungano organization, providing economic and social benefits. They have benefited from various SDI Kenya programs, which have provided a platform for enhancing and sustaining their activities through exchange programs, fostering interdependence within Nagawam groups.

Group members have improved their living standards through the income generated from recycling and selling waste. This initiative provides full-time employment for local youth, empowering them by engaging them in meaningful work. The income enables members to support their families. Additionally, the group has established a systematic financial saving system, reinvesting earnings in other income-generating activities or providing soft loans to members.

Lenut Youth Group has developed beneficial relationships with other groups under Nagawam and City Alliance Group, facilitating idea exchange, program development, and project implementation. They have also partnered with KENGEN Company, which plans to build a modern waste segregation facility at their site. This will streamline waste separation, increase handling capacity, and boost income from recycling activities. Support and funding from various organizations have enhanced their working capabilities and scaled up their benefits.

The group's activities benefit the community by ensuring a clean and safe environment. Regular waste collection keeps the locality free of disease-causing agents, resulting in clean air and a healthier environment. The group has created job opportunities for local youth, reducing crime rates by keeping them engaged and providing a source of income. The recycled and reused waste is sold to the community at fair prices, fostering a symbiotic relationship. The organic manure produced is sold to local farmers, boosting their produce and contributing to healthier food in local markets.

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